Message Logging Configuration for Profiles

Follow these steps to configure Message Logging parameters for the selected profile:

  1. Select Profile.
    A list of profiles appears in the Profile window.
  2. Select a profile in the list.
    The profile configuration window opens displaying the General configuration for the device profile.
  3. Select the MSG Logging tab.
    The Message Logging configuration window opens.
  4. Configure the Message Logging settings as follows:
    Enable Message Logging Select this option to enable the profile to log system events to a log file or a syslog server. Selecting this check box enables the rest of the parameters required to define the profile‘s logging configuration. This option is disabled by default.
    Remote Logging Host Select Add to create a table to define numerical (non DNS) IP addresses and ports for up to three external resources where logged system events can be sent on behalf of the profile. Select Add to add a new IP address. Select the delete icon as needed to remove an IP address.
    Facility to Send Log Messages Use the drop-down menu to specify the local server (if used) for profile event log transfers.
    Syslog Logging Level Select this option to enable Syslog Logging Level. Use the drop-down list to assign a severity level to log events based on criticality. Event severity coincides with the syslog logging level defined for the profile. Severity level options are Emergencies, Alerts, Critical, Errors, Warnings, Notifications, Informational and Debugging. The default logging severity level is Warning.
    Console Logging Level Select this option to enable Console Logging Level. Use the drop-down list to assign a severity level to log events based on criticality. Event severity coincides with the syslog logging level defined for the profile. Severity level options are Emergencies, Alerts, Critical, Errors, Warnings, Notifications, Informational and Debugging. The default logging severity level is Warning.
    Buffered Logging Level Select this option to enable Buffered Logging Level. Use the drop-down list to assign a severity level to log events based on criticality. Event severity coincides with the syslog logging level defined for the profile. Severity level options are Emergencies, Alerts, Critical, Errors, Warnings, Notifications, Informational and Debugging. The default logging severity level is Warning.
    Forward Logs to Controller Select this option to enable Forward Logs to Controller. Use the drop-down list to assign a severity level for forwarding event logs to the controller. Log level options are Emergencies, Alerts, Critical, Errors, Warnings, Notifications, Informational and Debugging. The default logging severity level is Errors.
    Time to Aggregate Repeated Messages Define the increment (or interval) system events are logged on behalf of the profile. The shorter the interval, the sooner the event is logged. Define an interval in seconds (0 - 60) or in minutes (0 -1). The default value is 0 seconds.
  5. After you have completed configuring the settings, choose from the following actions:
    1. Select Revert to restore default settings or restore the last saved settings.


      You cannot restore default settings after applying or saving changes.
    2. Select Apply to commit the configured settings.


      This does not permanently save the settings you configured. If you perform a Reload (warm reboot), applied settings will be lost.
    3. Select Save to commit and save the configured settings.


      If you do not select Apply or Save, the settings that you configured are not saved when you move away from the configuration window.